Results for 'Andrew Κ Dyck'

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  1.  34
    A Commentary on Cicero, De Officiis.Andrew Roy Dyck & Marcus Tullius Cicero - 1996 - University of Michigan Press.
    It deals with the problems of the Latin text (taking account of Michael Winterbottom's new edition), it delineates the work's structure and sometimes elusive train of thought, clarifies the underlying Greek and Latin concepts, and provides starting points for approaching the philosophical and historical problems that De Officiis raises.
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    On the Way from Colchis to Corinth:: Medea in Book 4 of the 'Argonautica'.Andrew Dyck - 1989 - Hermes 117 (4):455-470.
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    On the interpretation of Cicero, De Republica.Andrew R. Dyck - 1998 - Classical Quarterly 48 (2):564-568.
    Apropos congregatio Zetzel remarks ‘the metaphor is qualified by quasi…, as it more properly refers to animals rather than men’. It seems doubtful, however, that in general the -grego compounds were at this date felt as vividly metaphorical: segrego is used of human beings as early as Plautus and Terence ; aggrego is commonly so used by Cicero. Moreover, our passage is the first attestation of congregatio. Cicero uses the word three times in De Finibus, of which the latter two (...)
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    A Note on the Text and Interpretation of Cicero, De Fato 35.Andrew R. Dyck - 2022 - Classical Quarterly 72 (1):438-440.
    De fato 35 is part of Cicero's argument against the Stoic theory of causation. He claims in general that the Stoic chain of causes consists of antecedent but not efficient causes. To the examples cited in the previous chapter he adds verses from the opening of Ennius’ Medea exul (lines 208–11 Jocelyn = FRL 2 and TRF 89.1–4) containing the Nurse's lamentation over the origins of the Argonautic expedition that led, ultimately, to Medea's current mental distress. Then follows the question (...)
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    Bilingualism and the Latin Language (review).Andrew R. Dyck - 2006 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 99 (2):197-198.
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    Cicero, de domo sva: Three textual problems.Andrew R. Dyck - 2018 - Classical Quarterly 68 (1):336-338.
    quod idem [sc. the invalidity of Clodius’ legislation] tu, Lentule, uidisti in ea lege quam de me tulisti. nam non est ita latum ut mihi Romam uenire liceret, sed ut uenirem; non enim uoluisti id quod licebat ferre ut liceret, sed me ita esse in re publica magis ut arcessitus imperio populi Romani uiderer quam administrandam ciuitatem restitutus.
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  7. Cicero: De Natura Deorum Book I.Andrew R. Dyck (ed.) - 2003 - Cambridge University Press.
    Book 1 of De Natura Deorum exhibits in a nutshell Cicero's philosophical method, with the prior part stating the case for Epicurean theology, the latter part refuting it. Thus the reader observes Cicero at work in both constructive and skeptical modes as well as his art of characterizing speakers. Prefaced to the Book is Cicero's most elaborate justification of his philosophical writing. The Book thus makes an ideal starting point for the study of Cicero's philosophica or indeed of any philosophical (...)
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    Cicero, de officiis 2. 21-22.Andrew R. Dyck - 1980 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 124 (1):201-211.
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    Ciceros Rede cum senatui gratias egit. Ein Kommentar by Tobias Boll.Andrew R. Dyck - 2020 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 114 (1):101-103.
  10.  13
    Cicero's Role Models: The Political Strategy of a Newcomer (review).Andrew R. Dyck - 2012 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 105 (2):281-282.
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    Cicero’s Use of Judicial Theatre by Jon Hall.Andrew R. Dyck - 2015 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 108 (3):447-449.
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    Deutsche Altertumswissenschaftler im amerikanischen Exil. Eine Rekonstruktion by Hans Peter Obermayer.Andrew R. Dyck - 2015 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 108 (2):310-311.
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    De Philippicarum locis aliquot.Andrew R. Dyck - 2011 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 155 (1):190-193.
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    Evidence and Rhetoric in Cicero’s Pro Roscio Amerino: The Case Against Sex. Roscius.Andrew R. Dyck - 2003 - Classical Quarterly 53 (1):235-246.
  15.  21
    Ethics and the Orator: The Ciceronian Tradition of Political Morality by Gary A. Remer.Andrew R. Dyck - 2019 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 112 (2):105-106.
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    Francesco Petrarca: Selected Letters trans. by Elaine Fantham.Andrew R. Dyck - 2018 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 111 (4):599-600.
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    Fragmentary Republican Latin: Oratory ed. by Gesine Manuwald.Andrew R. Dyck - 2020 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 113 (4):487-490.
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    Oratory and Political Career in the Late Roman Republic by Henriette van der Blom.Andrew R. Dyck - 2017 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 110 (3):427-428.
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    Rivals into Partners: Hortensius and Cicero.Andrew R. Dyck - 2008 - História 57 (2):142-173.
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    Reading Republican Oratory: Reconstructions, Contexts, Receptions ed. by Christa Gray, et al.Andrew R. Dyck - 2019 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 112 (3):226-227.
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    The Cambridge Companion to Cicero ed. by Catherine Steel.Andrew R. Dyck - 2014 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 108 (1):140-141.
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  22.  36
    Three notes on cicero, in verrem.Andrew R. Dyck - 2012 - Classical Quarterly 62 (1):428-430.
  23.  12
    Textual notes on cicero's philippics.Andrew R. Dyck - 2017 - Classical Quarterly 67 (1):312-314.
    qua re flecte te, quaeso, et maiores tuos respice atque ita guberna rem publicam ut natum esse te ciues tui gaudeant: sine quo nec beatus nec c[l]arus nec †unctus† quisquam esse omni potest.
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    The Oxford Latin Syntax by Harm Pinkster.Andrew R. Dyck - 2017 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 110 (4):575-576.
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    The "other" pro milone reconsidered.Andrew R. Dyck - 2002 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 146 (1):182-185.
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    Three textual notes on cicero, de lege agraria 2.Andrew R. Dyck - 2019 - Classical Quarterly 69 (2):901-903.
    2.4: itaque me non extrema †tribus† suffragiorum, sed primi illi uestri concursus, neque singulae uoces praeconum, sed una uox uniuersi populi Romani consulem declarauit.Cicero narrates his election as consul. The above is the text printed by G. Manuwald, who notes that the construction of tribus is ‘odd’ and was queried by J.-L. Ferrary. She suspects that tribus ‘may be an explanatory gloss that entered the text’ and should therefore be deleted with Kayser. She rejects Richter's conjecture diribitio for tribus as (...)
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  27.  15
    Two textual notes on cicero, de officiis.Andrew R. Dyck - 2019 - Classical Quarterly 69 (2):910-911.
    1.21: ex quo, quia suum cuiusque fit eorum quae natura fuerant communia quod cuique obtigit, id quisque teneat; †e quo si quis† sibi appetet, uiolabit ius humanae societatis.The base text cited is that of Winterbottom. After discussing the origin of private property, Cicero asserts that it should be maintained as distributed. Of the matter marked corrupt, e quo is likely to be a repetition of the preceding ex quo and therefore intrusive. si quis evidently requires supplementation. Müller inserted quid after (...)
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  28.  19
    Two textual problems in cicero's philosophica.Andrew R. Dyck - 2016 - Classical Quarterly 66 (2):794-796.
    deinde ibidem homo acutus, cum illud occurreret, si omnia deorsus e regione ferrentur et, ut dixi, ad lineam, numquam fore ut atomus altera alteram posset attingere †itaque† attulit rem commenticiam: declinare dixit atomum perpaulum ….
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    Three textual problems in cicero's philosophica.Andrew R. Dyck - 2017 - Classical Quarterly 67 (1):310-312.
    dixerit hoc idem Epicurus, semper beatum esse sapientem … quem quidem, cum summis doloribus conficiatur, ait dicturum: ‘quam suaue est! quam nihil curo!’ non pugnem cum homine, cur tantum †habeat† in natura boni …This text, containing Cicero's oft-repeated canard, is deeply problematic. Both Reynolds and Moreschini resort to daggers here. Madvig's abeat for habeat has failed to convince, since Cicero appears to use abeo metaphorically without specifying the place of origin or destination of movement within a narrowly circumscribed semantic field (...)
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  30.  9
    Wilamowitz to Paul friedländer on the career of Hermann Frankel.Andrew Κ Dyck - 1992 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 136 (1):136-140.
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    Zu philoxenos Von alexandrien.Andrew R. Dyck - 1982 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 126 (1-2):149-151.
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    Andrew Scull. Psychiatry and Its Discontents. xiii + 356 pp., notes, index. Oakland: University of California Press, 2019. $29.95 (cloth). E-book available. [REVIEW]Erika Dyck - 2020 - Isis 111 (3):688-689.
  33.  32
    Kant and His German Contemporaries ed. by Corey W. Dyck, Falk Wunderlich.Andrew Werner - 2019 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 57 (1):173-174.
    The primary aim of this volume is to contribute to the growing body of scholarship on Kant’s relation to his German contemporaries. Each of the essays explores one or two of Kant’s views in relation to one or two of his German contemporaries. With three exceptions, every essay contends that we can gain a deeper understanding of Kant’s views by considering their relation to the contemporaries in question.The book is quite successful at accomplishing this aim. In almost every contribution, the (...)
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  34.  89
    De Officiis - A. R. Dyck: A Commentary on Cicero, De Officiis. Pp. xlii + 716. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1996. $69.95. ISBN: 0-472-10719-4. [REVIEW]Andrew Erskine - 1998 - The Classical Review 48 (1):46-47.
  35.  81
    “Spurious Correlations and Causal Inferences”.Andrew Ward - 2013 - Erkenntnis 78 (3):699-712.
    The failure to recognize a correlation as spurious can lead people to adopt strategies to bring about a specific outcome that manipulate something other than a cause of the outcome. However, in a 2008 paper appearing in the journal Analysis, Bert Leuridan, Erik Weber and Maarten Van Dyck suggest that knowledge of spurious correlations can, at least sometimes, justify adopting a strategy aiming at bringing about some change. This claim is surprising and, if true, throws into question the claim (...)
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    Epimerismi Homerici Andrew R. Dyck: Epimerismi Homerici. Pars Prior. Epimerismos continens qui ad Iliadis librum A pertinent. (Sammlung griechischer und lateinischer Grammatiker, 5/1.) Pp. xxi + 340. Berlin/New York: de Gruyter, 1983. DM 220. [REVIEW]Elizabeth Duke - 1987 - The Classical Review 37 (02):161-163.
  37.  16
    Cicero, leg. 1.6: ‘Pleasurable’ annals?John Marincola - 2015 - Classical Quarterly 65 (1):401-407.
    quamobrem aggredere, quaesumus, et sume ad hanc rem tempus, quae est a nostris hominibus adhuc aut ignorata aut relicta. nam post annales pontificum maximorum, quibus nihil potest esse iucundius, si aut ad Fabium aut ad eum qui tibi semper in ore est, Catonem, aut ad Pisonem aut ad Fannium aut ad Vennonium uenias, quamquam ex his alius alio plus habet uirium, tamen quid tam exile quam isti omnes?3iucundiusω: iucundiusDavies: ieiuniusUrsinus: nudiusRob. Steph.The manuscript readingiucundiushas had a few defenders, but nearly all (...)
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  38. Kant and Rational Psychology.Corey Dyck - 2014 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press UK.
    Corey W. Dyck presents a new account of Kant's criticism of the rational investigation of the soul in his monumental Critique of Pure Reason, in light of its eighteenth-century German context. When characterizing the rational psychology that is Kant's target in the Paralogisms of Pure Reason chapter of the Critique commentators typically only refer to an approach to, and an account of, the soul found principally in the thought of Descartes and Leibniz. But Dyck argues that to do (...)
  39. There Are No Purely Aesthetic Obligations.John Dyck - 2021 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 102 (4):592-612.
    Do aesthetic reasons have normative authority over us? Could there be anything like an aesthetic ‘ought’ or an aesthetic obligation? I argue that there are no aesthetic obligations. We have reasons to act certain ways regarding various aesthetic objects – most notably, reasons to attend to and appreciate those objects. But, I argue, these reasons never amount to duties. This is because aesthetic reasons are merely evaluative, not deontic. They can only entice us or invite us – they can never (...)
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  40. Wolff and the First Fifty Years of German Metaphysics.Corey W. Dyck - 2024 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Wolff and the First Fifty Years of German Metaphysics offers a fresh account of philosophical developments in German philosophy in the first half of the 18th century. At the centre of this book is Wolff's seminal text on metaphysics, the Deutsche Metaphysik of 1719, a text that modernized and advanced German philosophy but also provoked a vigorous intellectual controversy which informed and animated German thought through the decades until Kant's later philosophical revolution. -/- Corey W. Dyck draws extensively on (...)
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  41. The Oxford Handbook of German Philosophy in the Eighteenth Century.Corey W. Dyck, Frederick Beiser & Brandon Look (eds.) - forthcoming - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  42. The aesthetics of country music.John Dyck - 2021 - Philosophy Compass 16 (5):e12729.
    Country music has not gotten much attention in philosophy. I introduce two philosophical issues that country music raises. First, country music is simple. Some people might think that its simplicity makes country music worse; I argue that simplicity is aesthetically valuable. The second issue is country music’s ideal of authenticity; fans and performers think that country should be real or genuine in a particular way. But country music scholars have debunked the idea that country authenticity gets at anything real; widespread (...)
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  43.  46
    Technosystem: The Social Life of Reason.Andrew Feenberg - 2017 - Harvard University Press.
    We live in a world of technical systems, designed in accordance with technical disciplines and operated by a personnel trained in those disciplines. This is a unique form of social organization without historical precedent. It overshadows traditional democratic institutions and largely determines our way of life. Technosystem: The Social Life of Reason reconstructs the idea of democracy for this brave new world. The author draws on the tradition of radical social criticism represented by Herbert Marcuse and the Frankfurt School as (...)
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  44. Appreciating Bad Art.John Dyck & Matt Johnson - 2017 - Journal of Value Inquiry 51 (2):279-292.
    There are some artworks which we appreciate for their bad artistic qualities; these artworks are said to be “good because bad”. This is puzzling. How can art be good just because it is bad? In this essay, we attempt to demystify this phenomenon. We offer a two-part analysis: the artistic flaws in these works make them bizarre, and this bizarreness is aesthetically valuable. Our analysis has the consequence that some artistic flaws make for aesthetic virtues. Such works therefore present a (...)
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  45. Transforming technology: a critical theory revisited.Andrew Feenberg - 2002 - New York, N.Y.: Oxford University Press. Edited by Andrew Feenberg.
    Thoroughly revised, this new edition of Critical Theory of Technology rethinks the relationships between technology, rationality, and democracy, arguing that the degradation of labor--as well as of many environmental, educational, and political systems--is rooted in the social values that preside over technological development. It contains materials on political theory, but the emphasis has shifted to reflect a growing interest in the fields of technology and cultural studies.
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  46. Women and Philosophy in Eighteenth-Century Germany.Corey Dyck (ed.) - 2021 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Women and Philosophy in 18th Century Germany gathers for the first time an exceptional group of scholars with the explicit aim of composing a comprehensive portrait of the complex and manifold contributions on the part of women in 18th century Germany. Amidst the re-evaluation of the place of women in the history of early Modern philosophy, this vital and distinctive intellectual context has thus far been missing. As this volume will show, women intellectuals contributed crucially (directly and indirectly) to the (...)
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  47. Critical theory of technology.Andrew Feenberg - 1991 - New York: Oxford University Press. Edited by Jan Kyrre Berg Olsen Friis, Stig Andur Pedersen & Vincent F. Hendricks.
    Modern technology is more than a neutral tool: it is the framework of our civilization and shapes our way of life. Social critics claim that we must choose between this way of life and human values. Critical Theory of Technology challenges that pessimistic cliche. This pathbreaking book argues that the roots of the degradation of labor, education, and the environment lie not in technology per se but in the cultural values embodied in its design. Rejecting such popular solutions as economic (...)
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  48. Empirical consciousness explained: Self-affection, (self-)consciousness and perception in the B deduction.Corey W. Dyck - 2006 - Kantian Review 11:29-54.
    Few of Kant’s doctrines are as difficult to understand as that of self-affection. Its brief career in the published literature consists principally in its unheralded introduction in the Transcendental Aesthetic and unexpected re-appearance at a key moment in the Deduction chapter in the B edition of the first Critique. Kant’s commentators, confronted with the difficulty of this doctrine, have naturally resorted to various strategies of clarification, ranging from distinguishing between empirical and transcendental self-affection, divorcing self-affection from the claims of self-knowledge (...)
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  49. Between Wolffianism and Pietism: Baumgarten's Rational Psychology.Corey W. Dyck - 2018 - In Courtney D. Fugate & John Hymers, Baumgarten and Kant on Metaphysics. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press. pp. 78-93.
    In this paper, I consider Baumgarten’s views on the soul in the context of the Pietist critique of Wolff’s rational psychology. My primary aim is to account for the largely unacknowledged differences between Wolff’s and Baumgarten’s rational psychology, though I also hope to show that, in some cases, the Pietists were rather more perceptive in their reading of Wolff than they are typically given credit for as their criticisms frequently succeed in drawing attention to significant omissions in Wolff’s discussion.
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  50. Spontaneity before the Critical Turn: Crusius, Tetens, and the Pre-Critical Kant on the Spontaneity of the Mind.Corey W. Dyck - 2016 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 54 (4):625-648.
    Kant’s introduction in the Kritik der reinen Vernunft (KrV) of a spontaneity proper to the understanding is often thought to be one of the central innovations of his Critical philosophy. As I show in this paper, however, a number of thinkers within the 18th century German tradition in the time before the KrV (including the pre-Critical Kant himself) had already developed a robust conception of the spontaneity of the mind, a conception which, in many respects lays the groundwork for Kant’s (...)
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